Sunday, January 18, 2009

National Cancer Awareness Week

From January 19 - 22, 2009, the Philippines will be having the highlights of its National Cancer Awareness Week. In my home province, Negros Occidental, the Forum Against Cancer Through Encouragement and Support (F.A.C.E.S. Foundation Inc.) in cooperation with the local government and the Philippine Society of Medical Oncology will be having an exhibit on cancer awareness.

A blogging nurse from my home province (we actually live in neighboring villages and we have met here in the blogosphere), IFoundMe, requested some of her fellow bloggers (myself included) to support this noble cause. And so, this is a worthy deviation from my normal posts.

Having officemates and friends that are battling the big C, I have seen the primary human struggle against this affliction - the shock of the abrupt realization of one's certain mortality. Aside from the emotional struggle, cancer patients also endure physical pain as well as financial burden....

In most cases, the spotlight of the struggle is focused on the patient. The struggle of the patient's loved ones is sometimes obscured.

I would like to present another blogger who details her reasons why she connects to the blogging world. Her husband had suffered oral cancer. This is a short account of how she coped with cancer and how she took care of her loved one...

Friends, here is a dear lady - Balisha....

Addendum [19 Jan 2009]

I received an email from once of my contacts in World Vision and I have seen some keywords about cancer and searched for related sites through Google. Here is one very informative site:



  1. My contribution...

  2. [...] coolwaterworks - National Cancer Awareness Week [...]

  3. [...] coolwaterworks - National Cancer Awareness Week [...]

  4. Hello!
    Very Interesting post! Thank you for such interesting resource!
    PS: Sorry for my bad english, I'v just started to learn this language ;)
    See you!
    Your, Raiul Baztepo
